Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Kristen, Part II: Electric Twilightaloo

First, although this isn't a "Twilight" blog per se, I do make it a point to periodically check out the Twilight tag on Lainey Gossip. She's like a funnier, smarter, definitely more coherent Perez Hilton (whom I find so odious I won't even spare him the hyperlink - the douchehound) and actually provides incredible candids on the daily (without the need to write crappy Paint captions on them). In doing so, I found the latest motherlode on my boy and yours, Jackson. Swoon. It's all very, "Aw, honey, did I leave my boots under your bed? No, I remembered them just as I was about to walk out the door. My bad, ma'am... you have a delightful day."

But, this isn't "Krackson Watch", so let's move on to my "secondly"... which is Kristen's birthday. Where were you when this whippersnapper was born? I was being tormented weekly by Mrs. Clark, Worst Grade Five Teacher Ever. It makes me a little sad to know that someone who was born in 1990 is walking around being a grown-up, but there it is.

Anyway, happy birthday KStew, without whom this blog - and our unrelenting girlcrush - would not exist. May your future be brightly lit and filled with fulfilling indie projects as well as high-profile fun fluff!

"I know you don't like the attention, but at least try to look surprised when they all jump out from behind the couch. It's also a costume party, so here's the plan: you can be Shane McCutcheon: The Wonder Years; I'll be Cindy Crawford, If Cindy Crawford Was A Mid-'90s Lesbian. Then we can have cake. Possibly in bed. Okay?"

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean friend. I was in 3rd grade when the lady was born.
